Free resources & tools to help you unlock your unconscious processes and guide you to a deeper state of your true self

Introduction to my signature self led healing hypnosis audio and guide book


Is it time to RELEASE what might be getting in the way of your best intentions and creations? As a free gift to you I’m offering my Reflections Guidebook to Review and Release with a powerful Hypnosis Audio to help you let it go. This is a powerful tool for you to let go of what is holding you back from who you REALLY are. My workbook takes you through a simple process to reflect on three areas of your life where you might like to extend some fresh energy, power and positivity.

It’s designed to help you find clarity around the obstacles that are holding you back from evolving into who you are meant to be. My Self-Led Healing Hypnosis Process Audio is where we do the work on a powerful unconscious level to RELEASE. Find a comfortable space, set aside time for yourself, and let my voice guide you towards a more confident, calm, and connected version of yourself. Your FREE download includes; A self-led healing hypnosis audio designed for repeated listening to clear your path forward mentally and energetically.

To help guide you through your journey, you will also receive a reflections guidebook. designed to give you the time and space to reflect on and clear about what thought patterns, or habits you are ready to leave behind.

Kick your habits using this powerful mindshift hack
Rebecca Eather Rebecca Eather

Kick your habits using this powerful mindshift hack

Kick your habits using this powerful mindhshift hack

Time Distortion, Mental Rehearsals and Virtual Experiences are all part of the magic and mystique that makes my hypnotherapy so powerful.

Sounds a bit like a science fiction story I know, but they are techniques to accelerate your journey from leaning on an unhealthy, wobbly crutch - like smoking or vaping or too much alcohol during the week - to shiny new ingrained healthy habits.

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Is it time to go Beyond Emotional Eating?
Rebecca Eather Rebecca Eather

Is it time to go Beyond Emotional Eating?

t's time for a personal share, I wanted to tell you a bit about me and my own journey…

This piece is about emotional eating, so if this is something that you are interested in exploring, read on!

Recently I was asked by my dear friend and colleague to pen an article about how we can sabotage ourselves with food and struggles with emotional eating.

This really struck a chord with me as food, weight, body image and the train wreck it has had on my self esteem over the years has been profound.

I wonder what beliefs your younger self formed about your appearance, self-worth, belonging, and what was acceptable?

I wonder if those beliefs serve you now?

It can take time, effort and lots of healing to debunk those beliefs.

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Time to step up your communication - and it’s not where you think…
Rebecca Eather Rebecca Eather

Time to step up your communication - and it’s not where you think…

Communication issues are at the heart of so many of our conflicts in life, whether it’s in our intimate relationships, with colleagues or in parenting.

Sometimes you might be feeling misunderstood, like the other is being overly sensitive or maybe it’s you misinterpreting other people’s intentions and maybe even assuming a negative connotation in a neutral or innocent comment. Sound familiar? I think we’ve all been part of some miscommunication issue in our relationships, yet for some, this actually extends to a fundamental communication between your gut and your brain.

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Maybe it is time to change the conversation around “boundaries”
Rebecca Eather Rebecca Eather

Maybe it is time to change the conversation around “boundaries”

Protecting what matters most

Maybe it is time to change the conversation around “boundaries”

What if it is not just about lack of value in yourself or poor esteem that is the block.

What if the secret was to shift your focus towards what you find valuable in life and then allowing yourself to naturally protect this?

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Coaching? Counselling? Hypnotherapy? Psychotherapy?
Rebecca Eather Rebecca Eather

Coaching? Counselling? Hypnotherapy? Psychotherapy?

Confused by all the titles of people offering therapy?

You might be wondering what’s the difference in approach, training and most importantly what suits you and your unique issues.

This is something I get asked a lot, and it is confusing!

I go by at least three myself!

The main thing to understand is that all these ways of working in therapy are here to

support you, stand with you, understand how you experience life, cheer you on and ultimately, help you have a different relationship with yourself.

It’s all about providing a safe space for change

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Finding a therapist you can trust
Rebecca Eather Rebecca Eather

Finding a therapist you can trust

Finding a therapist you can trust…

Firstly, If you’re considering getting some support — whether it’s about unhealthy habits, negative thought cycles, anxiety, recovering from trauma, or strengthening your self-esteem, finding the right therapist you can trust is the first hurdle to cross.

And it's super important to have someone you're talking to that you feel safe with, can trust and really understands where you are at. You need to know this person has your back and has some wisdom on how to move forward.

Researchers have found that the bond between you and your therapist is likely to have a big impact on your growth. That’s why it’s important to do your research, ask questions, and pay attention to your own responses in your search for the therapist that’s right for you.

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How to find your voice
Rebecca Eather Rebecca Eather

How to find your voice

How to find your voice and protect your sovereignty, the essence and the best of who you are..

Are you feeling frustrated?

Feeling like it’s impossible to express what’s going on inside and like you don’t have the right to say it because it’s full of resentment, bitterness and anger?

What about feeling guilty about the words you do say as they come out angry and resentful - especially to those you love?

And then it makes you feel that it’s not worth saying anything and it’s less stressful to keep quiet and do what other people want.

Do you find it difficult to say no to people? Is it easier to say yes, even when you don’t want to, because of a belief that you are letting people down if you put yourself first?

Is there a part of you that thinks you have to actually deny your own needs in order to feel bonded and loved?

Are you accepting of things that do not deserve your tolerance?

These kinds of patterns say to me that you’re struggling with speaking your truth and feeling like you don’t have a voice. And I’m pretty sure alongside this is some relentless people pleasing and problems with setting, maintaining and protecting boundaries.

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Is it time to unwind from anxiety?
Rebecca Eather Rebecca Eather

Is it time to unwind from anxiety?

I see the presence of anxiety everyday. The constant stress and pressure. Feeling trapped in a negative cycle of fear and worry, a prisoner of your own brain.

Anxiety robs us of our presence, purpose, and joy in life and negatively affects our relationships with ourselves and those around us.

So what does that look like?

Some of the more common signs of anxiety are:

Frequently find yourself thinking and fretting about things that happened weeks or months ago.

When you make a mistake at work, or even in your personal life, you have a hard time letting it go and beat yourself up over it.

Trouble sleeping because you’re playing over the day you just had in your head relentlessly.

Out of nowhere, your throat feels incredibly tight and it becomes hard to catch your breath.

Constantly apologising for the smallest of things that other people wouldn’t even think twice about.

Having thoughts about your future at least once a day, and can’t seem to calm down about what’s next.

Nail biting or other similar nervous habits that occur without even noticing.

Avoiding confrontation at all costs. The thought of confrontation creates negative physical sensations and mental images.

A sense of dread or feeling for no reason that you are in danger.

Digestion problems that seem to happen after stressful situations or encounters.

Does this sound like your symptoms?

As a therapist I found hypnosis a really helpful option to work with the discomfort and even fear that is felt from anxiety.

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How hypnotherapy unlocks the root cause of your pain
Rebecca Eather Rebecca Eather

How hypnotherapy unlocks the root cause of your pain

How hypnotherapy unlocks the root cause of your pain

Unless you have learnt or experienced how hypnosis can be used in therapy unlock deeper unconscious processes and actually help repair traumatic memories, many people perceive hypnotherapy as predominantly used to help with behavioural issues like quitting smoking, losing weight or reducing stress. I know that was my impression when I first started learning of the magic and mystique of this experience.

But what is clear to me now after specialised training in hypnosis with Clinical Psychologists and working with thousands of clients, is the much wider application and evidence base for hypnotherapy to help overcome the deeper stresses and implications of trauma which can be the root cause of so many of our issues.

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Why we self-sabotage and what we can do?
Branding Rebecca Eather Branding Rebecca Eather

Why we self-sabotage and what we can do?

Self sabotage is anytime we block ourselves from our goals, desires and intentions by not allowing ourselves to make decisions and actions that serve our highest potential, and instead stay stuck in cycle of punishing, numbing and abandoning ourselves.

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