Breaking habits, pattern interrupting and a FREE hypnosis audio to re-wire your brain

I felt called to share something something that is keeping me more balanced and with more energy and positivity and just a little extra sparkle.

Sounds good right? 

Maybe you will relate? It’s about kicking habits. Old, ingrained habits. Habits that have become the norm, accepted and even encouraged! 

The last few months I have been consciously staying away from alcohol except for special social occasions where I choose to enjoy some bubbles, but keep it in moderation. I’m finding that if I stay conscious and remember that everything I want from alcohol can be found in 2 glasses and that more drinks, doesn't make the experience or the occasion any better! 

In fact all the problems I experience from drinking become much more magnified. 

Forgetting conversations, speaking without a filter, interrupted sleep, not being to drive home, low mood the next day with a distinct lack of joy. 

Does this sound familiar?  It seems many of you might be the same struggles.

I’ve been working really hard to pattern interrupt the old habit of not having a defined off switch when it comes to indulgences. 

But let’s be honest. I’m not a saint. I haven’t quite kicked to the kerb that naughty sugar monster, but I'm coming for you next!!! 

And like always, when I am actively working to change something in my own life, I collide with beautiful people (just like you), who have the best of intentions to unhook from habits that they would really like to be done with!.

You might not drink a drop but comfort eating is your thing. Or maybe you get possessed by the sugar monster too. Or struggling to find the motivation to get moving in a regular exercise routine. Or find yourself in another relationship that is equally toxic as the last…gulp.

I think we all have some habits that deep down we know really don’t serve us. But I want to tell you something that maybe isn’t immediately obvious to you. It’s  an important lesson. 

You are worthy of change!

And this much I know is true. 

In order to change your unhealthy habits and rewire the new ones you have to examine your internal workings on a deeper level. When it comes to the habits that are unhelpful, unhealthy and even sabotaging your best intentions, this can mean examining your beliefs around them, the rewards and the triggers. 

I understand that kicking habits can be really challenging with complex layers involved. They may have developed and maintained because of emotional triggers, self sabotage or environmental pressures and good old fashioned stress relief! Some of our most unhelpful habits have developed to manage this stress, feel safe and secure or to quell overwhelming emotions. 

So where to now?

Firstly you must decide. Choose to honestly reflect on the habits you want to change, what is driving that habit and think about what new actions, thoughts, feelings and behaviours that can turn into ingrained healthy habits that actually support your emotional and physical health.

Are there other ways to wind down and relax in the evenings without that wine?

Can you swap out the sugary treat?

Will a phone call with your bestie support you more than uber eats?

There is some great literature out there. I borrowed these tips from a book called Atomic Habits that has some great ideas. 

Make it obvious:

For example, this could be making a meditation space to listen to your hypnosis tracks for yourself right near your bed so that when you get up in the morning that’s the first thing you see. Meditate instead of scroll through social media first thing in the morning. Or do you have your yoga mat there to encourage 10 mins of stretching when you first wake.

Make it attractive:

Would making movement and good food lovely and nourishing be helpful for you for example? Could you practice “temptation bundling” - pairing an action you 

want to do, with an action  you need to do. So maybe you want a delicious breakfast but need to move in the morning or it doesn’t happen. Carve out the time and space to do this for yourself everyday.

Make it easy:

The key to a new habit is repetition not perfection. Get your reps in! Do something small every day rather than something big once in a while. I often talk about 10 minutes of movement daily is better than aiming for big exercise sessions in-frequently. What is manageable?

Make it satisfying:

Many habits like exercise and often meditation have what scientists call a “delayed return environment”  because you can put in a lot of effort without seeing benefits for a while. So the idea here is to actually set short term rewards for yourself until the habit is embedded. ie. meditate every day this week, move every day, have a healthy meal every day and set a reward for yourself, but make sure the reward is in line with your values. Don’t reward yourself with ice-cream because it feels like a childhood treat  if you are trying to avoid sugar.

I hope this helps you.

I also wanted to give you my beautiful people a special self-led healing hypnosis audio to allow you to vision yourself as the person who has cut ties to your old habits but not to what REALLY matters.

It is especially geared if you are someone, like me, that needed to shift my mindset around social drinking and overindulgence with food at events.

This hypnosis process is tried and tested - and the worst that can happen is you’ll feel very relaxed ;) 

 Are you ready to cut the ties to overindulging at social occasions with food and drink?

 Get your recording here:

Some tips on listening:

Find your best time and space:

Decide when you are going to listen to your audio. Times that are perfectly suited to listening to hypnosis are first thing in the morning before you get out of bed, or last thing at night before you go to sleep. This is because they are the ideal times to rewire your mind when your mind finds it easier to drift down into the theta brain-waves of trance that is hypnosis. It’s also easier to do when you’re already lying down.

 Listen in a quiet space:

An environment that is calm and quiet without distraction will serve you best. Headphones are a great way to eliminate noise. 


Part of the process when we release is to visualise how our future self will be thinking, feeling and behaving now we have let go. To really alchemise this process and spark the magic, you need to combine all your ideas and insights with real life action. This proves to our subconscious mind that the new beliefs are true. If you are wanting to release a self-soothing habit like unhealthy snacks and replace it with wholefoods and more water, set yourself up for success by creating a food plan to get you started.


Journalling is really helpful to record where you are at, and empty your mind from the chatter that bounces around. There's something powerful about putting pen to paper. You can also see where you have been and notice progress along the way.


Finding a therapist you can trust


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