How to find your voice

Are you feeling frustrated?

Feeling like it’s impossible to express what’s going on inside and like you don’t have the right to say it because it’s full of resentment, bitterness and anger?

What about feeling guilty about the words you do say as they come out angry and resentful - especially to those you love?

And then it makes you feel that it’s not worth saying anything and it’s less stressful to keep quiet and do what other people want.

Do you find it difficult to say no to people? Is it easier to say yes, even when you don’t want to, because of this feeling that you are letting people down if you put yourself first and that's not ok?

 These kinds of patterns say to me that you’re struggling with speaking your truth and feeling like you don’t have a voice.  And I’m pretty sure alongside this is some relentless people pleasing and problems with setting, maintaining and protecting boundaries.

 And if this is you, it's ok. I know this road, I’ve walked there and I sit with people all the time that are struggling to move through the real anxiety around saying anything that might rock the boat.

 And you know just how limiting it is, and just how exhausting it is, and how much it impacts your flow, your potential and your confidence.

 And we all want to be working towards the best version of ourselves.

 But sometimes these blocks run deep.

If you don’t feel like you have a voice, it becomes natural to de-value  your ideas and opinions - especially if they were not heard and valued when you were young.

 I see this a lot and it seems to be where this deep rooted insecurity starts.

 If you learned to question your worth as a child and now as an adult you continue to question your worth and the validity of you voice.

 Adding to the struggle is the relentless inner critic.

 This is a tough one. 

If your voice has been trained to live in a dark cave, you might find there’s a strong inner-critic present to keep it locked up. This voice is judgemental and cautious and second guesses your natural inclinations, spontaneity and capacity to shine!

 Maybe you feel it’s not “safe” to speak your truth?

 Often this block has manifested in this way for you because of fears formed in childhood and then sustained from the  patterns of behaviour that have been reinforced and repeated throughout your relationships.

 It can be a deeply ingrained pattern.

 But there are ways to find freedom!

 One of the most powerful things you can do with your voice actually does not involve speaking to others, it's actually about creatively finding a new vocabulary for your own inner-voice.

 When you ignite the power inside to change the language and the tone around your internal narrative and self-perception, you can actually shift how external things affect us and how they respond to you.

 This is a real mind shift.

 You can feel more emotionally resilient and consistently reframe the doubt, fear and anxiety inside.

 Most importantly you can become clear on your limits and boundaries become clearer and firmer.

 And you will feel stronger with more and more energy because your cup is full and not constantly drained by things that do not serve you.

 It can take time, effort, patience and support to heal this block, unlearn the lessons of the past and to step into the power of speaking your truth - but the first step is to give yourself permission.

 And if that is difficult, I'm here to nudge you in that direction.

 Sometimes you need support to let yourself see what power, potential and possibilities lie on the other side of that permission slip to have your voice.

 I’ve had a few lessons recently about how important it is for me to stay in my own truth and to feel safe to express this in my relationships.

 And yes it can feel vulnerable and a bit scary to actually communicate that you value yourself so much, that you are not available to tolerate toxicity-  the alternative  is to put your truth, your voice and your values aside for the sake of someone else’s ego.

One thing I know to be true is:

Self-betrayal is never worth it.

 Especially for all you empaths out there!

Learning to hold firm with integrity, grace and kindness is a super power!

 It is life-changing! 

 This is healing.

This is where you step into your authenticity more and more

This is developing self-trust.

This is where you find your voice

 Reach out if you need guidance to find yours

Sometimes everything we want and dream of is on the other side of asking for help.

Resources for you

Start your journey to connect with yourself with this hypnosis recording to develop confidence and self worth.

If your unique situation calls for a unique hypnosis process you can book a 1:1 appointment with me


Breaking habits, pattern interrupting and a FREE hypnosis audio to re-wire your brain


Is it time to unwind from anxiety?