Time to step up your communication - and it’s not where you think…

Communication issues are at the heart of so many of our conflicts in life, whether it’s in our intimate relationships, with colleagues or in parenting.

 Sometimes you might be feeling misunderstood, like the other is being overly sensitive or maybe it’s you misinterpreting other people’s intentions and maybe even assuming a negative connotation in a neutral or innocent comment.

 Sound familiar? I think we’ve all been part of some miscommunication issue in our relationships, yet for some, this actually extends to a fundamental communication between your gut and your brain.

Is this you?  Are you suffering from gut issues and IBS flare ups?

 I had remained largely ignorant of the gut brain axis until the last few years and it has been an eye opening and fascinating ride to understand that it’s like your gut has a second little brain that is in constant talks with your brain. 

 This part of your nervous system is made up of millions of nerve cells lining your gastrointestinal tract from esophagus to rectum.

 When one of you is doing more talking and less listening, one person inevitably ends up feeling misunderstood and hurt.

And just like couples,  sometimes the gut and brain can get a little sensitive and prickly with each other.

 It’s  like the gut and the brain need to go to couples therapy and get their communication straight!

Or in some instances, a few different parts all showing up for family therapy!

Thankfully, there are ways to get clearer communication happening.

 When I was studying Clinical Hypnosis at an intensive training in Melbourne a few years ago I was lucky enough to train alongside a wonderful woman working on a very clever protocol out of Monash University that worked exclusively with Gut-directed hypnotherapy. 

 This is a completely fascinating emerging therapeutic approach for various gastrointestinal disorders with some compelling research.

 If you are suffering from bloating, gas, inflammation, diarrhea and constipation or scary urgency when travelling or under stress, you’ll want to know how we can work with this naturally.

 Let me share some of the highlights.

 Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy activates the parasympathetic nervous system which can help stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system,the part responsible for rest, relaxation, and digestion. This activation may lead to improved gut functioning and reduced symptoms in gastrointestinal disorders.

Stress response reduction: Chronic stress has been linked to the development and exacerbation of gut-related conditions. Research indicates that gut-directed hypnotherapy can help reduce stress levels and mitigate the impact of stress on the gut. By inducing relaxation and calming the mind, hypnotherapy may contribute to a decreased stress response in individuals with gastrointestinal issues.

 Calming overactive nerves in the gut: Conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are often characterised by overactive nerves in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to symptoms like abdominal pain and altered bowel movements. Studies have shown that gut-directed hypnotherapy can help modulate nerve activity, reducing hypersensitivity and normalising gut function.

 Here is some information on some of this evidence based research on gut-directed hypnosis.https://lens.monash.edu/@medicine-health/2019/06/24/1351605/how-hypnotherapy-is-helping-people-suffering-from-irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs

 Or maybe you are actively working to bring  stress under control to enhance your overall health when trying to conceive and you are discovering how the Gut-Brain Connection affects your fertility.

 This very informative article from my dear friend and colleague Carolyn Allen delves some more into the science and the solutions in this article here:


 Recently I've actually been working more and more with beautiful people that are experiencing some terrible communication issues between their mind and their gut. 

 Between engaging with the therapy, working with healing the root cause  and listening repeatedly to the specialised recordings in between sessions, this evidence-based protocol is getting us some phenomenal results!

 Given the current economic climate, many of us might feel anxious about committing their resources to something that doesn’t offer results so I have decided to offer a 25% discount on a package of 4 sessions so you can get some momentum!

 My normal rate is $150 / session so it would be $600 for 4 sessions if you were to pay as you go.

My package rate is $400 for 4 sessions which is a big saving!  These are rates from 5 years ago - but I'm happy to offer them to help more people sustain change.

 The packages need to be paid for upfront and the sessions need to be used within a 4 month period.

I know I'm here in this business to support people just like you, and I want to make it as accessible as possible.

Reach out if this could support you.

You can easily book a discovery call if you want to ask how it could work for you here: https://rebeccaeather.as.me/schedule.php

Want to try a sample of how my gut directed hypnotherapy could work for you?

Let my voice guide you to comfort with this FREE audio introduction you can sample.



Is it time to go Beyond Emotional Eating?


Maybe it is time to change the conversation around “boundaries”