Release & ReWire:

An exclusive Four Session Package Offer for Current Clients

Release and ReWire Package

Your roadmap to up-level your growth, empowerment and inner-healing…

Are you ready to stride purposefully and walk in a new way towards new healthy habits, positive mindset intentions with clarity, confidence and ease?

Or maybe after a stressful period you are vowing to have better boundaries with your family, friends and colleagues?

Or what about finding the courage to speak your truth, or vow to embrace your creative outlet?

My Initial Clarity Sessions are powerful. You know this as you’ve had the experience and are already feeling the momentum.

You might have cleared out some stuck patterns, illuminated on the “why”behind old triggers or let go of clinging to unhealthy relationships patterns.

You are already feeling lighter, more free and filled with excitement about expansive potential for your future!

So what’s next?

We so often turn over a new leaf with great gusto, but sometimes the new routines to support our well-meaning resolutions are tricky to sustain.

No matter how well-meaning we are, it can be hard to shift the old habits - especially those habits around mind-set.

I have created this package to offer a supportive immersive process that combines talk therapy with powerful hypnosis processes to allow you to move forward with confidence, clarity and connection.

Whether you are working on emotional strength and resilience, cravings or compulsions around your physical health journey, or shifting your mindset to align with your best intentions.

I’m here to walk beside you with my Release and ReWire Package.

What does Release and ReWire Include:

  • Your 1:1 personalised sessions with me are ideally spaced weekly or fortnightly for 60-90 minutes.

  • After each session you are provided with resources to enhance your experience and to activate your progress - this might be a recording, a workbook with journal prompts or another exercise.

  • You have access to me in that time via phone or email for any questions or advice in that time period.

  • Weekly phone check in’s are a great resource to keep you feeling motivated.

  • Release and ReWire 4 session packages are paid upfront at $750*

  • Sessions are booked at a time that suitsyou to create a rhythm of self-care, healing and growing confidence for you.

*payment plans are available: email

My client experiences

“I just wanted to thank you for all of your help over the past few years! Your guidance and special gift of intuition and hypnotherapy has been so influential to my life - In more ways I can explain.  I say intuition because you have a very special way of reading me every time you see me and directing each hypnotherapy in such a wonderful way.”

-Bryan, Sydney, NSW

“I sought Rebecca's help for ongoing gut issues that have plagued me for years and I'm thoroughly enjoying my journey. She's sensitive, insightful and powerful. With her guidance I've been able to drop effortlessly into a calm, meditative state and visualise things within that I was previously unaware of. I’m on a pathway to a new state of being and I've felt completely held, nurtured and supported every step of the way.”

- Emmy, Melbourne

“I have always looked for support and guidance with Rebecca for the most significant work of my life. My first hypnosis experience took me to one of the most relaxed states I have known.
I feel as though I can hold my head up a little higher thanks to her. Her intuitive recordings are the soothing voice in my head I wish was there all the time.”

-L.J, Melbourne

Four Pillars to Release and ReWire?


One of the first stages of overcoming any blocks or struggles through hypnotherapy is support to unravel and understand the root cause or traumatic event, experience or emotion with a degree of distance that the hypnotic trance offers – without the anxiety.

In the safety of hypnosis, with my guidance, experience and expertise, you can begin to release the intensity of any emotions and the painful stories.


Releasing your triggers and coming into an embodied confidence around former blocks is supremely empowering.

In hypnosis, it is possible to see where your trigger was first pulled, yet be able to place some distance between you and this event. In this space, we can begin to use our kind, compassionate, adult wisdom to see the bigger picture and REFRAME the past.


Giving your unconscious mind the opportunity in hypnosis to recreate the old stories and perspectives into something that is safe, positive and grounding is powerful.

This is because your unconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what is real and vividly imagined.

We can use this part of our brains to help overcome trauma by re-imagining the “trigger” moment into something that is empowering for us.


Who is this person you want to be, the person you really are?

How are you looking, feeling, thinking, relating to others?

Maybe you can forgive yourself and others see a higher perspective with more self-compassion?

Maybe you can separate the parts of you that are stuck from the parts that are fully ready for change?

Making meaning from our stories allows our brain and nervous system to process and integrate, towards a calm, confident and clear place.

To ReWire is to cross the threshold into a “new normal” that is seamlessly integrated into your life.