Free resources & tools to help you unlock your unconscious processes and guide you to a deeper state of your true self

Introduction to my signature self led healing hypnosis audio and guide book


Is it time to RELEASE what might be getting in the way of your best intentions and creations? As a free gift to you I’m offering my Reflections Guidebook to Review and Release with a powerful Hypnosis Audio to help you let it go. This is a powerful tool for you to let go of what is holding you back from who you REALLY are. My workbook takes you through a simple process to reflect on three areas of your life where you might like to extend some fresh energy, power and positivity.

It’s designed to help you find clarity around the obstacles that are holding you back from evolving into who you are meant to be. My Self-Led Healing Hypnosis Process Audio is where we do the work on a powerful unconscious level to RELEASE. Find a comfortable space, set aside time for yourself, and let my voice guide you towards a more confident, calm, and connected version of yourself. Your FREE download includes; A self-led healing hypnosis audio designed for repeated listening to clear your path forward mentally and energetically.

To help guide you through your journey, you will also receive a reflections guidebook. designed to give you the time and space to reflect on and clear about what thought patterns, or habits you are ready to leave behind.

Why we self-sabotage and what we can do?
Branding Rebecca Eather Branding Rebecca Eather

Why we self-sabotage and what we can do?

Self sabotage is anytime we block ourselves from our goals, desires and intentions by not allowing ourselves to make decisions and actions that serve our highest potential, and instead stay stuck in cycle of punishing, numbing and abandoning ourselves.

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