Are you ready to leave behind the diet trauma, negative spirals of emotional eating and low self esteem?

Is it time you were Finally Full?

Becoming Finally Full - A Self-Paced Online Hypnotherapy Program for Positive Weight Management

For anyone that wants to leave behind the roller coaster of yo-yo dieting and let go of an unhealthy obsession with food, this program is for you. 

If you feel like you’re held prisoner by food and suffer the guilt and shame spiral that can go with feeling completely out of control,

I’m here to help you.

My Finally Full Program is a powerful combination of all my wisdom, experience and proven techniques to help you uncover your core issues with food, and teach you to rebuild successful ways to nurture and nourish yourself with love, patience and kindness.

“Let my voice guide you to freedom with coaching videos, a comprehensive workbook and life-changing self-healing trance experiences”

Becoming Finally Full guides you through four stages to re-program your past issues with food towards positive relationships in all areas. Healthy relationships with yourself, your body, your choices and your consumption - and ultimately your weight loss if that is what you desire.

Becoming Finally Full is so much more than just hypnosis for weight-loss..

Hypnotherapy is a safe and proven therapeutic technique that uses guided relaxation, focused attention, and positive suggestion to access the subconscious mind. By accessing this deeper level of consciousness, we can address the root causes of your eating habits, emotional triggers, and self-sabotaging behaviors.

Yet hypnotherapy for weight-loss is nothing new with research and results spanning decades, what it doesn’t always address is releasing you from the reasons you got there in the first place?

I know from my own journey with hynpotherapy for weight loss and years of emotional eating that the positive suggestions will only get you so far when the cause - the fears and anxieties and trauma - are still there.

You can’t mask, repress, or affirmation your way out of it as it doesn’t stick unless you work with the fears and release them.

This is why I have designed Finally Full as a four pillar process to teach and support you.

Becoming Finally Full will:

  • Release you from what is holding you back

  • Make peace with your inner-saboteur

  • Rewire your habits

  • Create the energy and feeling of the person that loves these new habits

  • Feel motivated and excited your goals

  • Teach you how to nurture and nourish the new version of you

    I’m here to guide you through it all…

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You feel attached to the overindulgence of social occasions and the very real FOMO if you don’t partake

  • You are struggling with food intolerances which is causing inflammation and bloating

  • You are eating your emotions -whether it is to  commiserate, celebrate, or feeling the pain of anger, loneliness, sadness, embarrassment or stress, doubt or fear. 

  • You are stuck in a rut of less than ideal habits

  • You are going down rabbit holes of thought cycles like “I punish myself with food that isn’t good for me …I don’t deserve to be a healthy weight….or this is what happens in my family”.

I’m here to tell you, this doesn’t have to be your story forever. Let me help you break free…

Hypnotherapy to inspire healthy habits, inspire a healthy relationship with food and give your body the ability to release excess weight is about so much more than dropping the kilos. 

In order for any sustained weight loss you have to transform your relationship with food  and nurture a healthy body image and  strengthen your self esteem. 

You might think the battle is all about the actual food and moving your body - and yes that is a big part of it. But the actual war is being waged deep down in our unconscious -the place of our defence mechanisms, triggers, fears, patterns and beliefs.

This is where I can help you to apply the proven psychological benefits of hypnosis to overcome your deeper issues and release the heavy emotions.

To begin to heal, we need to address the underlying issues that contribute to your weight gain and cause you to emotional eat in a way that is effective and sustainable.

How Finally full will help you to do this:

  • Guide you to be able to make sustainable changes from within and carry this through to other areas in your life.

  • Transform your mindset so you can experience long-lasting results.

Finally Full is entirely online, allowing you to participate from the comfort of your own home. No need to commute or adhere to rigid schedules—This program has been designed to fit it into your life so you can go at your own pace.

The Four Pillars of Becoming Finally Full

Pillar One - Release what is holding you back

Using insights and honest reflection and a powerful hypnosis experience, this section is about release.

You will be releasing the old stories and limiting beliefs about who you think you are, what you have been told, and how you see yourself in the world.

Pillar Two - Re-Wire Your Habits

This section is about learning and embodying an important lesson:

 You are worthy of change! 

In order to change your unhealthy habits and rewire the new ones we sometimes have to examine our internal workings on a deeper level. 

This session asks you to reflect on the habits you want to change, what is driving that habit and most importantly, guides you through a hypnosis experience to help action new thoughts, feelings and behaviours  into ingrained healthy habits that support your emotional and physical health. 

Pillar Three - Free Your Mind

Knowing you are worthy and capable of achieving what matters most to you and cultivating more and more self-love is the start!

This section is about motivating yourself  to achieve your goals with positive, powerful and encouraging self-talk.

Remember: What you want, wants you!

Pillar Four - Ongoing Self Care

What is the gap that food has been filling?

This session is about learning how to create a life that you don’t need to escape from.

Our goals here are to learn what true comfort, connection and fulfilment is for you so you can practice filling your cup in healthy, positive and abundant ways.

 So how would Becoming Finally Full work for you?

Watch the video below

Becoming Finally Full includes:


Four Coaching Videos

I will introduce and guide you through each pillar of the program.

Expect some insights and tips on how to make the most of this and achieve success.


Comprehensive Workbook

Your bible for the program.

This workbook is full of inspiring information to release, reframe and re-create your old ways into the person who is Finally Full

There are journal prompts for each pillar and and instructions on using the Self-Led Hypnosis


Four Hypnosis Audio Recordings

Powerful, transformative Trance Experiences to Re-Wire Your Mind


LIVE Support

Throughout the program, you'll have access to me through my LIVE Instagram Group.

You can be part of a supportive online community with the chance to ask questions, and engage with my team of experts.


Plus Bonus Material

  • Beyond Emotional Eating Module

  • Stop Sugar Cravings

  • Freedom from Over-Indulgence in Social Occasions

Experiences of Becoming Finally Full

“Walking down the aisle on my wedding day lighter in spirit, glowing and in a dress  3 sizes smaller was proof of what I could achieve with a shift in mindset through hypnosis”.

I came to Rebecca in the beginning for hypnotherapy for weight-loss and for support for the anxiety and general inability to cope with stress. I felt this was underpinning all my obstacles in losing weight and achieving goals.

Her supportive guidance allowed me to actually look at the deeper issues around the deep emotional trauma that were keeping me in unhealthy patterns.

I now feel stronger in being able to control my emotions and see things from a wider perspective. This clarity has  helped me stay on my chosen path of self-care, nutrition and movement and take care of the inner-saboteur. The change has been significant. 

Margaret, Brisbane

“I was at one of my lowest moments when I came to see Rebecca for hypnotherapy for weight-loss”

Her wisdom and understanding helped me unpack years of stress and feelings of failure that had left me stuck, depressed and very overweight.

That spark of motivation we lit put me on a trajectory of slowly over-time losing 20kg and putting my life back together to a place where I could feel in control again.

David, Brisbane

“I was after the magic wand, the silver bullet that could release me from the depths of emotional-eating and self-hatred”

Hypnotherapy for weight-loss with Rebecca was the closest thing to that magic wand.

While I still had the cravings and temptations sometimes, I could choose a different action more often than I had in a long time. Having someone believe in me and teach me that I deserved to love myself anyway, whatever size I was, felt like the big sister I never had.

Annie, Melbourne, Victoria

A bit about me and my own journey…

Supporting people on their weight-loss journey - and ultimately how you pave the way to self-esteem - has always been something close to my heart. And if you’re here, I'm sure it takes up a lot of space in your heart too.

Let me tell you where it all began for me.

Like you, maybe it started a long, long time ago? Growing up in my 1980s house, weight was always a topic of discussion. Whether it was how to lose weight, who had lost weight, put on weight, or how you looked, this focus on diets and weight was always observed and discussed among my mother and sisters.

It was important.

Listening to my mother and her friends talk about the diets they were on, what had worked for them, or how good someone was looking, I learned at a very early age that there was a degree of interest, attention, and acceptance from being part of that conversation.

I was about 8 years old when I decided that I wanted to belong to this club! I thought that if the numbers on the scale went up, then I could belong to the ladies who dieted to bring the numbers down… Go figure my logic - but that’s how beliefs are formed, whether they are logical or not!

We can see now that this belief was distorted, but this is where limiting beliefs start! They are often formed when we are young, and sometimes they become deeply ingrained within us, even if they are not necessarily true or helpful!

Believing that I would be more interesting and worthy of attention if I had to lose weight was certainly not true or helpful.

I wonder what beliefs your younger self formed about your appearance, self-worth, belonging, and what was acceptable?

I wonder if they serve you now?

And so, looking at me now, you might think, "Well, Rebecca, you're a slim person. You look healthy. You look energetic. Maybe you're somebody I can learn from about what it means to embody those kinds of things."

And this is true. I lead a very active and healthy life, and even though I'm nearly 50, weight is not my problem now.

But what I really want you to know is...

Darling, I have been there too. I have walked this road. And I’m here to walk it with you.

Let me tell you about my very first hypnotherapy session.

The reason I know this program works and that it’s something so many of us need is because I have been through the rollercoaster of emotional eating myself and have come out the other side


  • You can access all four pillars of your course as soon as you purchase.

    You will also receive the Bonus Material at the same time which includes the Beyond Emotional Eating Module.

  • You might like to start by exploring your Becoming Finally Full Workbook in your folder. This is your bible! It has the content and the reflective pieces that are going to bridge all the elements of this material together for you and keep you on track. This document can be printed out so you can write your reflections directly in the pages, or you may choose to work with a separate journal.

    Pacing the course:

    We have four pillars - or I sometimes refer to them as modules - and I encourage you to work through each one of these in order.

    Every module has a coaching video and an audio version of the video to work with each section in your workbook.

    Each pillar provides insights for you, inspiration and journal prompts and the powerful hypnosis audio.

    You can do this in a really sequential way.

    You might choose to work through the modules week by week.

    I will email you each week to introduce you to each module one-by-one and you can follow this pacing if you like.

    Take in the written information, do some journalling, absorb yourself in the hypnosis audio and then integrate the practice into your life across a week - perfect!

    If you want to spread out the modules, that is perfectly fine too - whatever suits your pace.

    Some might be more confronting than others for you and I would encourage you to lean into any resistance there as it may be a sign that this is what we have to address, to shift, in order for you to break through.

    This program is for you. And it's for you to use in the ways that feel most supportive.

    If at any point you feel like you're you've got a lot coming up or you're feeling a little bit overloaded or start to go into overwhelm. That is your sign to simplify or even to slow down a bit and try to integrate how far you’ve come!

    You also have the bonus module “Beyond Emotionally Eating” which has its own video, workbook and hypnosis audio.

    I created this module as a separate piece as it can be such a complex area and sticky spot for people that it deserved its own section.

    You might choose to start there, as you feel it is where you need the most support right now, or you might choose to go through the four pillars, and get yourself in a more positive mindset about your weight-loss journey and then tackle this part that is most certainly a deep dive.

    It’s a bit of an individual choice depending on where you are at.

    If you would like to ask me any advice about where to start, please feel free to contact me.

    We have this capacity to grow and to learn and to increase that capacity. That's what you're going to be doing in your self-awareness and healing, towards a balanced relationship with your food.

  • You can email me with questions, at or message/send me a voice memo on instagram

    If you've got a specific roadblock you want me to talk about, or an area of this work you really want to develop/focus on and you want to get some inspiration - ask me here!

    If I have enough questions I will definitely do an LIVE to cover it all

    I'd love to know if you want more info or clarification in any areas and if you find anything wonky - please DO let me know! I will always fix/clarify anything you need as fast as we can.

  • You have lifetime access to the program

  • I would suggest you would need 30 minutes to an hour to watch the video and go through the workbook.

    You should then allow another 45 mins - to an hour to get comfortable and really absorb yourself in the hypnosis audio and maybe also plan out some action steps for you in the space in the workbook.

    This would be the minimum time commitment to Finally Full.

    Some of you may choose to spend longer deep diving into the written content and listening to the hypnosis audio repeatedly. This is amazing too and if you choose to spend more time on each piece then I would encourage that.

    It’s about how each piece lands for you.

  • We all have different learning styles and while some of us can do well learning at their own pace with all the materials, you might do better having specialised support and attention.

    I am available to take you through the Four modules of the course in 1:1 sessions.

    Contact me here:

Still unsure if Becoming Finally Full is for you?

I’m more than happy to answer any questions you have about Becoming Finally Full or starting your hypnosis journey with me. Feel free to book in for a FREE discovery call so we can have a chat about how I can help you.