My first hypnotherapy session for weight loss way back when…

I'm sharing a deeply personal chapter of my life – a journey from teenage struggles to better self-discovery.

At 14, my world revolved around food and my appearance. It's a journey that led me through challenges, breakthroughs, and eventually, learning the power of hypnotherapy and more importantly, how I could love my body anyway! Even when it didn’t look or behave they way I wanted it too.

So I’m going to revisit my past, uncover the emotional elements behind our struggles, and illuminate the beginning of my path to becoming "Finally Full."

The Struggle

At 14, I was ensnared in a relentless struggle with my weight. The grip of food and body image was unyielding. If you could see me then, you'd understand the weight – both physical and emotional – that burdened me. I carried an extra 20 kilos, and it felt as though my family, peers and actually most of society deemed me unacceptable.

Feeling like I was far too large to fit in the narrow mould of acceptability took a toll on my well-being. It wasn't just a matter of appearances; it was a battle for belonging. My self-esteem suffered, and the weight of it all led me down a dark path of depression and anxiety.

A cycle of emotional eating intertwined with yo-yo dieting consumed me.

The yo-yo dieting was something that took time to break free from, but at this age it was at it’s peak.

Starving at school only to succumb to binge eating left me feeling powerless. Carbs, especially bread, became my solace, a desperate attempt to fill an insatiable void.

A Cycle of Isolation

My unhealthy relationship with food took a toll, both mentally and physically. The cycle of shame, embarrassment, and lack of control spiraled into isolation. I felt separate from everyone else, drowning in an obsession I couldn't escape. Sound familiar?

Maybe you can recognise these struggles?

While our stories may differ, the emotional components remain universal. Shame, anxiety, numbing with food – these patterns manifest in various ways. Our struggles may be unique, but acknowledging the emotional underpinnings is crucial.

The Ray of Hope

In the midst of this whirlwind, I discovered hypnotherapy. Skepticism and excitement warred within me during my first session. Opening up about my disordered eating was daunting, but the prospect of authentic help was invigorating.

My first hypnotherapy session illuminated a path forward. It wasn't about another diet – it was about addressing the emotional roots, rebuilding confidence, and reclaiming control.

The Awakening and Beyond

Under the gentle guidance of hypnosis, new perspectives on food began to emerge. For a time, it worked. I learned to tune in to my body's cues, understand my emotional triggers, and make mindful choices. But it wasn't a lasting fix.

Even as I achieved some progress, the underlying trauma remained unaddressed. The emotional turmoil continued to affect my relationship with food. Unopened wounds left me feeling alone and disconnected.

The Path to Becoming Finally Full

Now, after 35 years of reflection, I've realized that true transformation requires examining the deeper reasons behind our cravings. "Becoming Finally Full" isn't a quick fix – it's a journey of unraveling the layers that brought us here.

It's about believing change is possible, examining unconscious habits, challenging limiting beliefs, and fostering a holistic sense of well-being. Hypnosis, as a guiding force, empowers us to navigate this intricate journey.

Join the Journey

I invite you to join me on this quest for lasting change. "Becoming Finally Full" is more than a course; it's a pathway to holistic transformation. Through videos, a workbook, and transformative hypnosis audios, we'll rewire our neural pathways and address past traumas. If needed, one-on-one sessions and nutritional support are available.

You don't have to walk this path alone. Together, we can emerge as empowered, fulfilled individuals.

The only way to lose weight for good and to embrace a mindset where you value self-care, treating your body as a beautiful and faithful servant of your soul, is to be brave enough to examine what you're trying to fill with food, because it's not actual hunger.

These are the questions we aim to answer in this course because I know that once you can understand, you can identify where you need support, empathy, love, and nourishment in various ways.

I want to share with you what I've learned and carried with me.

It's about unraveling the layers that brought you here.

It's about allowing yourself to believe that change is possible.

It's about examining the unconscious habits you've developed.

It’s about diving into the limiting beliefs you hold about yourself.

It’s about cultivating a state of mind where you can be healthy and truly feel good.

Hypnosis provides the support you need to embark on this journey.

Hypnosis helps you believe that it's possible.

Hypnosis guides you to discover new ways of thinking and behaving, replacing old default patterns.

Hypnosis smooths the road ahead, not relying on sheer willpower but exploring supportive ways to establish new habits.

We also address the release of past traumas related to self-perception, self-esteem, and judgment.

We aim to anchor in a beautiful vision of your future self.

So, let my voice be your guide...

Becoming Finally Full" is a self-paced course that you can tailor to your own needs. It includes videos, a workbook, and hypnosis audios for repeated listening to rewire your neural pathways.

If you wish to expedite your results, I am available for one-on-one sessions during this process.

If you require additional nutritional support to manage the physical aspect of weight management, I can also provide referrals to experts in the field.

You don't have to face this journey alone. You can find solace and support here.

You have the power to become Finally Full.

Start Now: Purchase Becoming Finally Full


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